K. (1) Symbol for potassium (from Latin kalium). Grade: USP.
(2) symbol for Kelvin scale.
Use: Medicine (antibacterial).
k. Abbreviation for kilo-, as in kcal.
“Kansil” [PQ]. TM for potassium silicate.
Grade: Liquids, solids, and powders in SiO
K acid. (1-amino-8-naphthol-4,6-disulfonic
weight ratio of 1.60 to 2.5.
acid). C
Use: Ceramics, welding rod coatings, detergents,
Derivation: Fusion of a naphthylamine trisulfonic
corrosion inhibitor, electronics, and inorganic
acid with sodium hydroxide.
Use: Azo dye intermediate.
kaolin. (China clay).
kainic acid. ([2S-(2a,3b,4b)]-2-Carboxy-4-(1-
CAS: 1332-58-7. A white-burning aluminum sili-
methylethenyl)-3-pyrrolidineacetic acid).
cate that, due to its great purity, has a high fusion
CAS: 487-79-6. C
point and is the most refractory of all clays. Compo-
Properties: White crystalline powder. Soluble in wa-
sition: Mainly kaolinite (50% alumina, 55% silica,
ter or dilute aqueous base.
plus impurities and water).
Use: To simulate brain degeneration in a laboratory
Properties: White to yellowish or grayish fine pow-
der. D 1.8–2.6. Darkens and develops clay odor
when moistened. Insoluble in water, dilute acids,
and alkali hydroxides; has high lubricity (slippe-
kainite. MgSO
riness). Noncombustible.
Properties: A natural, hydrated, double salt of potas-
Occurrence: Southeastern U.S., England, France.
sium and magnesium. White, gray, reddish, or color-
Grade: Technical, NF, also graded on basis of color
less solid; streak, colorless; vitreous luster. D
and particle size.
2.05–2.13, hardness 2.5–3. Contains 30% potassium
Hazard: TLV: TWA 2 mg/m
; Respirable Fraction;
not classifiable as a human carcinogen.
Occurrence: Germany; one of the Stassfurt min-
Use: Filler and coatings for paper and rubber, refrac-
tories, ceramics, cements, fertilizers, chemicals (es-
Use: Chemicals (potassium salts), fertilizer (as such).
pecially aluminum sulfate), catalyst carrier, anticak-
See potash.
ing preparations, cosmetics, insecticides, paint,
source of alumina, adsorbent for clarification of
“Kalrez” [DuPont-Toray]. TM for engineer-
liquids, electrical insulators.
ing resins and high end specialty polymers.
See Toth process; kaolinite; aluminum silicate; clay;
“Pharmolin” [Engelhard].
kalsomine. See calcimine.
kaolinite. Al
O. A clay mineral
“Kamicryl 2089” [Kamsons]. TM for a wa-
rarely found pure, the main constituent of kaolin and
ter based overprint varnish hard nonfilm-forming
some other clays.
Use: In high gloss varnish and water based inks.
kapok. Cottonlike fibers obtained from the seed
pods of various species of Ceiba and Bombax. Ex-
“Kamicryl Paint CP651” [Kamsons]. TM
tremely light and resilient but too brittle for spin-
for a vinyl acetate acrylic copolymer.
ning. Combustible; not self-extinguishing.
Use: In a superior quality emulsion paint.
Source: Indonesia, Philippines, Ecuador.
Use: Life jackets, insulation, pillows, upholstery.
“Kamicryl Thickner 5360” [Kamsons].
TM for a crosslinked acrylic copolymer emulsi-
karatavic acid.
CAS: 21800-49-7. mf: C
Use: Keeps pigment and filler in suspension and
Hazard: A poison.
prevents sedimentation.
kanamycin sulfate. “Karathane” [Rohm & Haas]. TM for an
CAS: 25389-94-0. C
. A broad-
agricultural fungicide-miticide based on dinitro(1-
spectrum antibiotic. methylheptyl)phenyl crotonate, supplied as a wetta-
Properties: White, crystalline powder; odorless. De- ble powder or liquid concentration. May be com-
composes over a wide range above 250C. Soluble in bined with most other insecticides and fungicides,
water; practically insoluble in methanol and ethanol. except oil-based products.
Use: Controls powdery mildew and various species
“Katadyne” process. A proprietary method of
sterilizing water and other potable liquids with a
of mites on plants.
specially prepared form of silver.
See dinocap.
katapol vp-532.
karaya gum. (sterculia gum; India traga-
CAS: 63091-06-5.
canth; kadaya gum). A hydrophilic polysaccha-
Hazard: A severe skin and eye irritant.
ride which exudes from certain Indian trees of the
genus Sterculia. Color varies from white to dark
katharometer. A gas and air detector instru-
brown or black.
ment. Its multiple uses include the comparison of
Properties: A carbohydrate polymer of varying
two gases via comparison of the rate of heat loss
chemical composition. The properties depend on
from heating coils surrounded by the gases. Also can
freshness and time of storage. Viscosity greatly de-
be used in gas chromatography as a detector and to
creases over 6 months storage. Forms a translucent
detect impurities in the air.
colloidal gel in water.
Grade: Technical, FCC.
kauri. A fossil (hard) copal resin, derived from
Use: Pharmaceuticals, textile coatings, ice cream and
the kauri pine (Agathis australis) of New Zealand.
other food products, adhesives, protective colloids,
Soluble in alcohols and ketones, acid value 60–80,
stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers.
must be heat-treated (cracked) before use in var-
See gum, natural.
nishes. Combustible.
Use: Varnishes and lacquers, paints, organic ce-
Karle, Jerome. (1918– ). An American physi-
ments, to evaluate the solvent power of hydro-
cal chemist who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry
along with Hauptman in 1985. He developed a series
of mathematical equations that allow determination
kauri-butanol value. A measure of the aro-
of phase information from X-ray crystallography
matic content and hence the solvent power of a
intensity patterns. The advent of computers allowed
hydrocarbon liquid. Kauri gum is readily soluble in
the use of the equations to determine the conforma-
butanol but insoluble in hydrocarbons. The kb value
tion of thousands of chemicals. The work was done
is the measure of the volume of solvent required to
at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington,
produce turbidity in a standard solution containing
D.C. where Karle headed the Laboratory for the
kauri gum dissolved in butanol. Naphtha fractions
Structure of Matter.
have a kb value of about 30, and toluene about 105.
Karl Fischer reagent. A solution of iodine,
KB. Abbreviation for kilobase—one thousand
sulfur dioxide, and pyridine in methanol or methyl
Use: Determination of water.
Note: Do not confuse with Fischer’s reagent.
kcal. Abbreviation for kilocalorie; Cal has the
same meaning.
Karrer, Paul. (1889–1971). A recipient of the
Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1937 with Haworth.
K-capture. (K-radiation). A type of radioactive
Although born in Moscow, he attended European decay in which an electron is captured by an atomic
universities and received his doctorate in Zurich. He nucleus and immediately combines with a proton to
initiated work on flavins, carotenoids, and vitamins form a neutron. The product of this radioactivity has
A and B, and accomplished work on structure and the same mass number as the parent but the atomic
synthesis of vitamin B
as well as vitamins A and E. number is one unit less. Thus
iron with atomic
number 26 decays by K-capture to form
nese, with atomic number 25. Terms synonymous
karyogamy. A process of fusion of the nuclei of
with K-capture are K-electron capture and orbital
two cells; the second step in syngamy.
electron capture.
karyotype. A photomicrograph of an individu-
“KC Finings, Super-Kleer” [Home
al’s chromosomes arranged in a standard format
Brewery]. TM for is a two pouch system con-
showing the number, size, and shape of each chro-
taining liquid Kieselsol and chitosan finings.
mosome type; used in low-resolution physical map-
Use: In brewing.
ping to correlate gross chromosomal abnormalities
with the characteristics of specific diseases.
“KE-106A Natural Insecticide” [Kinzua].
TM for a limonene-based (non-toxic) insecticide.
“Kastone” [Du Pont]. (hydrogen peroxide)
Use: Safe for use around children.
CAS: 7722-84-1. TM for oxidizer and bleaching
Use: For textile and pulp bleaching, cyanide destruc-
“KE Heavy Duty” [Kinzua]. TM for a de-
tion, wastewater and sewage treatment, food pro- greaser.
cessing, electronics industry. Use: Environmentally safe degreaser.
Keene’s cement. See gypsum cement. Kelvin scale. See absolute temperature.
“Kelzan” [Kelco]. TM for xanthan gum.
Kekule, August. (1829–1896). Born in Darms-
tadt, Germany, Kekule laid the basis for the ensuing
development of aromatic chemistry. His idea of a
“Kelzan XC” [Kelco]. TM for xanthan gum.
hexagonal structure for benzene in 1865 was a mon-
umental contribution to theoretical organic chemis-
“Kemamide” [ACH].
try. “This had been preceded in 1858 by the remark-
Properties: High-melting solids. TM for fatty am-
able notion that carbon was tetravalent and that
ides and bisamides.
carbon atoms could be joined to each other in mole-
Use: For slip agents and for friction reduction in
cules.” The theory of the benzene ring has been
polyolefin films. As process lubricants for styrenics
called the “most brilliant piece of scientific predic-
and PVC, mold release for phenolics, as antiblock
tion to be found in the whole field of organic chemis-
agents for polyolefins.
try, for besides promulgating the idea, he had pre-
dicted the number and types of isomers which might
“Kemester EGDS” [ACH]. (ethylene gly-
be expected in various substitutions on the ring” (L.
col distearate). TM for pearlizing agents.
B. Clapp).
Use: For shampoos, liquid soaps, and detergents.
“Kelacid” [Kelco]. TM for alginic acid.
“Kemstrene” [ACH]. TM for glycerin.
Use: For a solvent and humectant in cosmetics, liquid
“Kelate CU” [Tri-K].
soaps, confections, inks, lubricants, in polyester and
CAS: 14025-15-1. TM for copper disodium EDTA.
polyurethane formulations.
Use: Sequestering agent in cosmetics.
“Kenamine” [ACH]. TM for a series of
“Kelcoloid HVF” [Kelco]. TM for xanthan
straight-chain amines from primary through quater-
nary; available in chain lengths from C
through C
They are strongly hydrophobic and are biodegrad-
“Kel-F” [3M]. TM for a series of fluorocarbon
products including polymers of chlorotrifluoroethy-
Use: Cationic intermediate, removal of moisture
lene and certain copolymers available as extrusion
from surfaces.
and molding powders, resins, dispersions, gums,
oils, waxes, and greases that are characterized by
“Ken-Cel” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of for-
high termal stability, resistance to chemical corro-
mulated blowing agent masterbatches.
sion, high dielectric strength, and high impact, ten-
sile, and compressive strength.
“Kencolor” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of dis-
Use: Corrosion control, contamination prevention,
persions based on silicone binders.
insulation, electrical equipment, molded and fabri-
Use: Pigmenting of silicone elastomers.
cated industrial equipment, lubricants, gyro and
damping fluids. Especially useful under extreme
“Ken-Cure” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of
conditions, including jet and space technology.
specialty curative chemicals.
See fluorocarbon polymer.
Kendall-Mattox reaction. Formation of a
“Kelgin” [Kelco]. TM for sodium alginates.
conjugated ketone from an -bromoketone via a
phenylhydrazone or semicarbozone.
“Kelmar” [Kelco]. TM for potassium algi-
Kendrew, John C. (1917–1997). An English
molecular biologist who won the Nobel Prize for
kelp. A large coarse seaweed occurring chiefly off
chemistry in 1962 with Perutz. His work verified
the coast of California. It is a type of algae and is
Pauling’s earlier thesis concerning the -helix struc-
mechanically harvested by specially equipped
ture of the polypeptide chain. After receiving his
barges. Dried kelp contains 2–4% ammonia, 1–2%
Ph.D. from Cambridge, he was science advisor to
phosphoric acid, 15–20% potash, and traces of io-
the allied air commander-in-chief during World
War II. He was also editor of the journal Molecular
Use: Fertilizers, plastics and conversion to methane
by microorganisms; permissible chewing-gum
“Kenflex” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of aro-
matic oligomers of dimethyl naphthalene and blends
“Keltex” [Kelco]. TM for alginate.
Use: Processing and compounding aid for neoprene,
“Keltose” [Kelco]. TM for self-gelling algi- “Hypalon,” SBR, vinyl compounds and other plas-
nates. tics; potting compounds; protective coatings; paper
and textile coatings; insecticides; ink; chemical syn- are generally harder than the fibrous collagen group
of proteins. The softer keratins are components of
the external layers of skin, wool, hair, and feathers,
while the harder types predominate in such struc-
“Kenite” [World Minerals]. TM for diato-
tures as nails, claws, and hoofs. The hardness is
maceous earth and related products.
largely due to the extent of cross-linking by the
disulfide bonds of cystine by the mechanism shown
“Ken-Kem” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of
specialty chemicals.
“Kenlastic” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of elas-
tomer-based dispersions of rubber chemicals.
Use: Dispersion for elastomers.
“Ken-Mag” [Kenrich]. TM for a bar form of
dispersed magnesium oxide.
Use: Curing of elastomers.
Keratins are insoluble in organic solvents but do
“Kenmix” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of paste
absorb and hold water. The molecules contain both
dispersions of rubber chemicals.
acidic and basic groups and are thus amphoteric.
Use: Dispersions for elastomers.
Use: Tablet coatings that dissolve only in the intes-
tines, foam extinguishers, protein hydrolyzates.
“Kenplast” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of plas-
ticizers based on aromatic hydrocarbons or deriva-
keratinase. A water-soluble, proteolytic enzyme
tives of cumyl phenol.
having the ability to digest the keratin in wool and
Use: Plasticizer for nitrile elastomers and reactive
other forms of hair, converting a portion of it to a
diluents for epoxy.
water-soluble form. It thus acts as a depilatory and is
used in removing hair from pelts and hides, as well
“Ken-React” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of
as from human skin. It is inactivated by heating to
organometallic coupling agents based on titanium,
zirconium, and aluminum.
Use: Bonding agents, polymer process aids, cata-
“Kerlone” [Searle]. TM for betaxolol hydro-
lysts, blowing agent activators, corrosion inhibitors,
dispersing agents.
Use: Drug.
“Ken-React KR TTS‘” [Kenrich]. TM for
kernite. Na
O. A natural sodium borate
a series of alkyl titanates.
found in Kern County, California.
Available forms: Liquid, powder, and pellets.
Properties: Colorless to white, two good cleavages,
Use: Catalyst, intermediates for ceramic coatings.
luster vitreous to pearly. Mohs hardness 3, d 1.95.
“Ken-Stat” [Kenrich]. TM for a series of an-
Use: Major source of borax and boron compounds.
tistats based on combined neoalkoxy titanates or
combined neoalkoxy zirconates.
kerogen. The organic component of oil shale, it is
a bitumen-like solid whose approximate composi-
“Ken-Zinc” [Kenrich]. TM for a bar form of
tion is 75–80% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 2.5% nitro-
dispersed zinc oxide.
gen, 1% sulfur, and the balance oxygen. It is a
Use: Curing of elastomers.
mixture of aliphatic and aromatic compounds of
humic and algal origin and comprises a substantial
kepone. (chlordecone; decachlorooctahydro-
proportion of the shale; after fractionating and refin-
ing, the oil is reported to yield 18% gasoline, 30%
CAS: 143-50-0. C
kerosene, 27% gas oil, 15% light lube oil, and 10%
Properties: Crystalline solid. Mp 350C (decom-
heavy lube oil.
poses). Soluble in acetic acid, alcohols, ketones,
acetone; slightly soluble in water.
Hazard: A carcinogen. Toxic by ingestion, inhala-
kerosene. (kerosine).
tion, and skin absorption. Manufacture and use have
CAS: 8008-20-6.
been prohibited.
Properties: Water-white, oily liquid; strong odor. D
Use: Insecticide, fungicide.
0.81, boiling range 180–300C, flash p 100–150F
(37.7–65.5C), autoign temp 444F (228C). Combus-
keratin. A class of natural fibrous proteins occur- tion properties can be greatly improved by a propri-
ring in vertebrate animals and humans, they are etary hydrotreating process involving a selective
characterized by their high content of several amino catalyst.
acids, especially cystine, arginine, and serine. They Derivation: Distilled from petroleum.
Hazard: Moderate fire risk, explosive limits in air
-ketoglutaric acid. (ADA, acetonedicarbox-
0.7–5.0%. Toxic by inhalation. ylic acid). HOOCCH
Use: Rocket and jet engine fuel, domestic heating, Properties: Colorless needles. Mp 135C (decom-
solvent, insecticidal sprays, diesel and tractor fuels.
poses). Soluble in water and alcohol; insoluble in
benzene and chloroform.
Derivation: By heating dehydrated citric acid and
ketal. Organic compound produced by addition of
concentrated sulfuric acid together.
an alcohol to a ketone. Analogous to acetal.
Use: Organic synthesis.
See hemiketal.
-ketoglutaric acid, disodium salt.
CAS: 305-72-6. mf: C
CAS: 463-51-4. H
Hazard: Moderately toxic by ingestion.
Properties: Colorless gas; disagreeable odor. Readi-
ly polymerizes; cannot be shipped or stored in a
ketohexamethylene. See cyclohexanone.
gaseous state. Mp 151C, bp 56C.
Derivation: Pyrolysis of acetone or acetic acid by
ketone. A class of liquid organic compounds in
passing its vapor through a tube at 500–600C.
which the carbonyl group, C==O, is attached to two
Hazard: Toxic by inhalation, strong irritant to skin
alkyl groups; they are derived by oxidation of secon-
and mucous membranes. TLV: TWA 0.5 ppm;
dary alcohols. The simplest member of the series is
STEL 1.5 ppm.
acetone, CH
, but many more complex ke-
Use: Acetylating agent, generally reacting with com-
tones are known.
pounds having an active hydrogen atom; reacts with
Use: Solvents, especially for cellulose derivatives, in
ammonia to give acetamide. Starting point for mak-
lacquers, paints, explosives, and textile processing.
ing various commercially important products, espe-
See acetone; diethyl ketone; methyl ethyl ketone.
cially acetic anhydride and acetate esters.
ketone bodies. A group of molecules normally
ketimine. A type or class of curing agent for
produced in very low amounts, but increased
epoxy resins that makes it possible to use very-high-
amounts are found during fasting or in untreated
solids content coatings in spray equipment. Reacts
diabetes mellitus.
with epoxies very slowly and thus delays curing
time, which prevents setting up of the resin during
ketone, Michler’s. See
spraying operation. In presence of water or water
vapor, ketimine breaks down to a polyamine and a
ketone. Epoxy coatings cured with ketimine should
ketonimine dye. A dye whose molecules con-
not exceed a thickness of 10 mils.
tain the NH==C== chromophore group. There are
only two members in the class: auramine and a
4-ketobenzotriazine. (benzazimide; 4-keto-
closely related homolog, methyl aurin, in which a
(3H)-1,2,3-benzotriazine). C
O Bicyclic.
methyl group replaces one of the hydrogen atoms of
Properties: Tan powder. Mp 210C (decomposes).
aurin. These are basic dyes used on cotton with
Soluble in alkaline solutions and organic bases.
tannin or tartar emetic as mordant.
Use: Organic synthesis.
CAS: 5729-47-5. mf: C
1-keto-2,3-dihydrocyclopentindole oxime.
Hazard: A poison.
CAS: 22942-83-2. mf: C
Hazard: A poison.
-ketopropionic acid. See pyruvic acid.
keto-enol tauterism. A compound with iso-
ketose. A simple monosaccharide in which the
mers in equilibrium between the keto form
carbonyl group is a ketone.
CH2CO and the enol form CH==C(OH).It
occurs by migration of a hydrogen atom between a
ketosis. A metabolic condition in which the con-
carbon atom and the oxygen on an adjacent carbon.
centration of ketone bodies in the blood, tissues, and
See isomerization.
urine is abnormally high.
ketogenic amino acids. Amino acids with
-ketovaleric acid. See levulinic acid.
carbon skeletons that are metabolized to ketone bod-
ies. Contrast with the glucogenic amino acids.
“Kevlar” [Du Pont]. TM for an aromatic
polyamide fiber of extremely high tensile strength
-ketoglutaric acid. (2-oxopentanedioic and greater resistance of elongation than steel. Its
acid). HOOCCH
COCOOH. high energy-absorption property makes it particu-
Properties: Mp 113.5C. Soluble in water and alco- larly suitable for use in belting radial tires, for which
hol. Important in amino-acid metabolism. it was specifically developed; it is also used as a
reinforcing material for plastic composities in bul-
kinase. A kinase is in general an enzyme that
let-proof vests and in cordage products. catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from
See aramid. ATP to something else. In molecular biology, it has
acquired the more specific verbal usage for the
transfer onto DNA of a radiolabeled phosphate
Keyes process. A distillation process involving
group. This would be done in order to use the resul-
the addition of benzene to a constant-boiling 95%
tant “hot” DNA as a probe.
alcohol-water solution to obtain absolute (100%)
alcohol. On distillation, a ternary azeotropic mixture
kinematic viscosity. See viscosity.
containing all three components leaves the top of the
column while anhydrous alcohol leaves the bottom.
kinetic chain length. The average number of
The azeotrope (which separates into two layers) is
molecules of a monomer converted to a polymer for
redistilled separately for recovery and reuse of the
each active center formed in an initiation reaction.
benzene and alcohol.
kinetics, chemical. Chemical phenomena can
kg. Abbreviation for kilogram. Equals 1000
be studied from two fundamental approaches: (1)
thermodynamics, a rigorous and exact method con-
cerned with equilibrium conditions of initial and
Kick’s law. The amount of energy required to
final states of chemical changes; (2) kinetics, which
crush a given quantity of material to a specified
is less rigorous and deals with the rate of change
fraction of its original size is the same, regardless of
from initial to final states under nonequilibrium con-
the original size.
ditions. The two methods are related. Thermody-
namics, which yields the driving potential—a mea-
kier. A large metal tank or vessel in which wool or
sure of the tendency of a system to change from one
cotton fibers or fabrics are scoured, bleached, or
state to another—is the foundation upon which ki-
dyed, usually in an alkaline solution (kier boiling).
netics is built. The rate at which a change will occur
depends upon two factors: (1) directly with driving
kieselguhr. See diatomaceous earth.
force or potential, and (2) inversely with a resis-
tance. A measure of the tendency of a system to
kieserite. MgSO
O. A natural magnesium
resist chemical change is the so-called activation
sulfate occurring in enormous quantities in the
energy, which is independent of the driving force or
Stassfurt salt beds (Germany), Austria, and India.
so-called free energy of the reaction. The diagram is
See magnesium sulfate.
a mechanical analogy illustrating the difference be-
tween activation energy and driving potential. The
Kiliani-Fischer synthesis. Extension of the
chemical system is represented by a sphere resting in
carbon atom chain of aldoses by treatment with
a valley. The initial equilibrium state, A, is at a
cyanide. Hydrolysis of the cyanohydrins followed
higher elevation than the final state, B. The differ-
by reduction of the lactone yields the homologous
ence in elevation between A and B is a measure of
the free energy change of the reaction, that is, the
driving force that will take the system from A to B.
“killed” steel. Steel deoxidized by the addition
This quantity, G, is determined by the classical
of aluminum, ferrosilicon, etc., while the mixture is
methods of thermodynamics. Now A and B are equi-
maintained at melting temperature until all bubbling
librium states represented by the valleys. For the
ceases. The steel is quiet and begins to solidify at
system to go from A to B it must first overcome the
once without any evolution of gas when poured into
hill separating the valleys. The elevation of this hill
the ingot molds.
from the valley of the initial state is a measure of the
resistance to change in the system in going from A to
kiln. (1) A refactory-lined cylinder, either station-
B. The quantity G*, known as free energy of acti-
ary or rotary.
vation, is determined by the methods of kinetics.
Use: Calcination of lime, magnesia, cement, ores,
etc., and for incinerating gaseous, liquid, and solid
(2) A furnace for firing ceramic products.
kilo-. Prefix meaning 10
units (symbol k), e.g., 1
1 kilogram
1,000 grams.
kilogram. (1) A mass identical with that of the
international kilogram at the International Bureau of The system of molecules that is undergoing reaction
Weights and Measures in France. It is the mass of a consists of these molecules in different energy
liter of water at 4C. (2) A force equal to the weight of states. If the temperature of a gas is raised, there is an
one kilogram mass, measured at sea level. increase in the energy of these states and hence an
increase in the collisions of molecules which have many chemical awards, he was the recipient of the
the necessary activation energy; as a result, the rate Priestley Medal as well as distinguished Medals of
of the reaction will increase. Also, if by means of a Honor from three Presidents of the U.S. President
catalyst, the activiation energy is decreased, more Eisenhower appointed him as his assistant for sci-
colliding molecules will react and again the rate of ence and technology, and he was chairman of the
Science Advisory Committee from 1957 to 1963.
reaction will increase.
Among his many achievements in both chemistry
Note: Adapted from an article by Roger Gilmont in
and physics, he was a world-famous authority on
“Encyclopedia of Chemistry” Hampel and Hawley,
explosives. A key member of the Manhattan Project,
editors, 3rd ed., 1973.
he devised the detonating mechanism for the first
See thermodynamics, chemical; thermodynamics.
experimental atomic bomb in New Mexico, at which
time he was head of the Los Alamos Laboratory.
kinetic theory. A theory of matter based on the
Though he ranks high among those who developed
mathematical description of the relationship be-
the bomb, he perceived the awesome destructive
tween the volumes, temperatures, and pressures of
potential of nuclear weapons and became an ardent
gases (P-V-T phenomena). This relationship is sum-
opponent of their future use. Resigning from the
marized in the so-called gas laws as follows: (1)
Pentagon in 1967, he returned to teaching at Har-
Boyle’s law (at constant temperature the volume of a
vard. Among other distinguished organizations, he
gas is inversely proportional to its pressure); (2)
was a member of the Royal Society of London, the
Charles’s law (at constant volume the pressure
AAAS, and the ACS.
exerted by a gas is proportional to its absolute tem-
perature); (3) Avogadro’s law (equal volumes of the
Kjeldahl flask. A round bottom flask with a
same or different gases under the same conditions of
long wide neck that is used in the determination of
temperature and pressure contain the same number
nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s method.
of molecules).
The theory involves the basic concept of matter as
composed atoms and/or molecules that move more
Kjeldahl test. An analytical method for deter-
rapidly (gases) or vibrate more energetically (solids) mination of nitrogen in certain organic compounds.
as temperature increaes. Thus, crystals melt at a It involves addition of a small amount of anhydrous
point where the heat or energy input exceeds the potassium sulfate to the test compound, followed by
bond energy of the solid state. See kinetics, heating the mixture with concentrated sulfuric acid,
chemical; gas; thermodynamics. often with a catalyst such as copper sulfate. As a
result ammonia is formed. After alkalyzing the mix-
ture with sodium hydroxide, the ammonia is sepa-
kinetin. (6-furfurylaminopurine).
rated by distillation, collected in standard acid, and
CAS: 525-79-1. C
O. A plant growth regulator
the nitrogen determined by back-titration.
used to promote growth in bacterial cultures and as
dormancy breaker.
“Kjelgest” [Thomas]. TM for anhydrous gran-
ular magnesium perchlorate for use as a desiccant.
king’s green. See copper acetoarsenite.
“Kleanrol” [Du Pont]. TM for a soldering
kinin. (cytokinin). One of a group of plant
flux crystal based on zinc chloride and ammonium
growth regulators that promote cell division and
See kinetin.
“Klearol” [Crompton & Knowles]. TM for
a white mineral oil, technical grade, d 0.828–0.838.
Kipp’s apparatus. An apparatus for producing
Use: Cosmetic preparations, eggshell preservation.
a gas by the action of a liquid on a solid that consists
of three globes. The top one has a funnel-shaped
extension in to the bottom globe which stores the
Klein’s reagent. A saturated solution of cadmi-
liquid. The middle globe contains the solid. um borotungstate, formula variously given, possibly
O, d 3.28.
Use: Separation of minerals by specific gravity.
Kishner cyclopropane synthesis. Forma-
tion of cyclopropane derivatives by decomposition
of pyrazolines formed by reacting ,-unsaturated
“Klucel” [Hercules]. TM for hydroxypropyl
ketones or aldehydes with hydrazine. cellulose.
Use: A thickener for paint removers, tablet binders,
aqueous film-coating polymers, sustained-release
Kistiakowsky, George B. (1900–1982).
matrix polymer for pharmaceuticals.
Born in Kiev, Russia, where he fought in the White
Russian Army, he studied in Germany under Max-
well Bodenheim, where he obtained his doctorate in
Klug, Aaron S. (1926– ). A South Afri-
chemistry. In 1926, he came to the U.S. and became canborn chemist who won the Nobel Prize for
an American citizen in 1933. For 41 years, he was chemistry in 1982 for his work with the electron
Professor of Chemistry at Harvard; in addition to microscope and research into the structure of nucleic
and protein complexes. He used crystallographic ed hydrazines, two structurally isomeric pyrazoles
electron microscopy to analyze the structures of are formed.
biologically important complex chemicals was
noteworthy. He was cited in particular for his estab-
Knorr pyrrole synthesis. Formation of pyr-
lishment of Fourier microscopy.
role derivatives by condensation of -amino ke-
tones as such or generated in situ from isonitrosoke-
kneading. Blending of soft, plastic, semisolid
tones with carbonyl compounds containing active
materials into a uniform mixture by subjecting them
-methylene groups.
to a rolling pressure exerted by agitators of specific
shape rotating in trough-like containers. The action
Knorr quinoline synthesis. Formation of -
is a combination of turning, folding, and pressing.
hydroxyquinolines from -ketoesters and aryla-
The operation is used in processing bakery doughs,
mines above 100C. The intermediate anilide under-
printing inks, clays, and pastes of various types.
goes cyclization by dehydration with concentrated
See blend; sigma blade.
sulfuric acid.
knife. See doctor knife.
Knowles, William S. (1917– ). An American
born in Taunton, Massachusetts who won the Nobel
knock. Ignition of a portion of the gasoline in the
Prize for chemistry in 2001 for his pioneering work
cylinder head due to spontaneous oxidation reac-
concerning chirally catalysed hydrogenation reac-
tions rather than to the spark. It causes serious power
tions. He was awarded an undergraduate degree
loss, especially in high-compression engines.
from Harvard and worked many years for the Mon-
See octane number.
santo Corporation. Knowles received the ACS
Award for Creative Invention 1982.
knock-out experiment. A technique for delet-
ing, mutating or otherwise inactivating a gene in a
“KOALA-TY” [Accurate]. TM for laborato-
mouse. This laborious method involves transfecting
ry apparatus.
a crippled gene into cultured embryonic stem cells,
searching through the thousands of resulting clones
Koch acid. (1-naphthylamine-3,6,8,-trisulfonic
for one in which the crippled gene exactly replaced
the normal one (by homologous recombination),
and inserting that cell back into a mouse blastocyst.
The resulting mouse will be chimaeric but its germ
cells will carry the deleted gene. A few rounds of
careful breeding can then produce progeny in which
both copies of the gene are inactivated.
See gene; locus; model organisms.
Properties: White solid. Slightly soluble in water.
Knoevenagel condensation; Doebner
Derivation: Naphthalene--sufonic acid is sulfonat-
modification. Condensation of aldehydes or
ed with 60% oleum at 165C, the resulting naphtha-
ketones with active methylene compounds (specifi-
lene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid is nitrated and the prod-
cally malonic ester) in the presence of ammonia or
uct reduced with iron.
amines; the use of malonic acid and pyridine is
Use: Azo dye intermediate.
known as the Doebner modification.
Koch-Haaf carboxylations. Formation of ter-
Knoop hardness. See hardness.
tiary carboxylic acids by treating alcohols with car-
bon monoxide in strong acid.
Knoop-Oesterlin amino acid synthesis.
Preparation of -amino acids by catalytic hydro-
Kochi reaction. Synthesis of organic chlorides
genation of -oxo acids in aqueous ammonia in the
by decarboxylation of carboxylic acids in the pres-
presence of platinum, palladium, or Raney nickel
ence of lead tetraacetate and lithium chloride.
catalysts, probably via an unstable iminocarboxy-
late ion intermediate.
Koenigs-Knorr synthesis. Formation of gly-
cosides from acetylated glycosyl halides and alco-
Knoop scale. Comparative hardness scale,
hols or phenols in the presence of silver carbonate or
ranges from glass (300–600) to diamond
silver oxide. The reaction proceeds with inversion of
Knorr pyrazole synthesis. Formation of py-
razole derivatives from hydrazines, hydrazides,
Kohlrausch’s law. Ions have independent mi-
semicarbazides, and aminoguanidines by condensa- grations, and the conductance of a solution is the
tion with 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds; with substitut- sum of the conductances of the anions and cations.
KOH number. In the electrometric titration of the liquid mixture results in an increase of the total
vapor pressure.
latex with KOH. the number of grams of KOH per
100 grams of rubber necessary to obtain a pH of
Kopp’s law. The molecular heat of a solid com-
pound is an additive function of the atomic heat
capacities of its individual atoms. The molecular
Kohn, Walter (1923– ). Awarded Nobel Prize
volume of a liquid is equal to the sum of the atomic
in chemistry in 1998 jointly with John A. Pople for
volumes of its constituent atoms.
their pioneering contributions in developing meth-
ods that can be used for theoretical studies of the
properties of molecules and the chemical processes
CAS: 600-25-9. Generic name for 1-chloro-1-nitro-
in which they are involved. He performs his research
propane. ClCH
at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Properties: Liquid. Bp 170.6C (745 mm Hg), flash p
144F (62.2C). Miscible with most organic solvents;
kojic acid. [5-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-4-
slightly soluble in water. Combustible.
Hazard: Moderate fire risk. Strong irritant. TLV: 2
CAS: 501-30-4. C
Properties: Crystals. Mp 152–154C. Soluble in wa-
Use: Fungicide.
ter, acetone, alcohol; slightly soluble in ether; insol-
uble in benzene. Mildly antibiotic.
Kostanecki acylation. Formation of chro-
Derivation: Fermentation of starches and sugars by
mones or coumarines by acylation of o-hydroxyaryl
certain molds.
ketones with aliphatic acid anhydrides followed by
Use: Chemical intermediate, metal chelates, insecti-
cide, antifungal and antimicrobial agent.
“KR” [Kenrich]. TM for a prefix for a series of
kola. See cola.
monoalkoxy, chelate, and coordinate type titanates
and zirconates.
Kolbe electrolytic synthesis. Formation of
hydrocarbons by the electrolysis of alkali salts of
Kr. Symbol for krypton.
carboxylic acids (decarboxylative dimerization).
Krafft degradation. Conversion of carboxylic
Kolbe-Schmidt reaction. The preparation of
acids, especially of high molecular weight, into the
salicyclic acid or its derivatives from carbon dioxide
next-lower homolog by dry distillation of the alka-
and sodium or potassium phenolate.
line earth salt with the corresponding acetate, fol-
lowed by chromic acid oxidation of the methyl ke-
“Kolene” DGS Salt [Kolene]. TM for an
anhydrous molten oxidizing salt bath using a sodium
hydroxide base with additives necessary to provide
Krafft point. Temperature (°C) at which cogel
controlled chemical oxidizing and dissolving prop-
or crystal formation takes place in a soap solution
and produces opacity.
Use: Descaling of heat-treated and hot-work oxides
and scales; deglassing (removal of glass-drawing
kraft paper. A strong and relatively cheap paper
lubricants), investment, and silica removal; removal
made cheifly from pine by digestion with a mixture
of burned-in carbon deposits; cleaning of oils,
of caustic soda, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate,
greases, and organic materials from the surface of
and sodium sulfide. It is by far the largest volume
paper made in the U.S.
See holopulping process.
Komarowsky reaction. The reaction between
certain alcohols and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde in di-
“Kraton” 101 [Shell]. TM for a styrene-buta-
lute sulfuric acid solutions to give soluble colored
diene elastomer that requires no vulcanization,
complexes. 1,2-Propylene glycol gives a colored
while displaying most of the properties of conven-
product while ethylene glycol does not. The reaction
tional vulcanized polymers. White, free-flowing
has also been employed to determine cyclohexanol
crumb, readily soluble in a large number of commer-
in cyclohexanone.
cially used solvents.
Use: In pressure-sensitive wet lay-up and hot-melt
Kondakov rule. Olefins that add mineral acids
adhesives, dip coating, spraying, and spreading ap-
readily react with chlorine or bromine to give unsat-
urated monohalides; those that do not add mineral
acids readily form dihalides.
“Kraton Liquid l-207” [Ripplewood].
CAS: 103599-19-5. TM for a basic polymer liquid.
Konowaloff rule. The vapor over a liquid is Hazard: Moderately toxic by skin contact. Low tox-
relatively rich in the component whose addition to icity by ingestion. A mild skin irritant.
Krebs cycle. See TCA cycle. Properties: Colorless gas; odorless. Bp 152.9C (1
atm), fp 157.1C, d 2.818 (air
1), sp vol 4.61 cu ft/
lb (21C, 1 atm). Only slightly soluble in water.
“Krenite” 10 [Du Pont]. TM for a solution
Known to combine with fluorine at liquid nitrogen
of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous ammonia;
temperature by means of electric discharges or ion-
contains 43.5% nitrogen.
izing radiation to make KrF
and KrF
. These com-
Use: Manufacture of mixed fertilizers.
pounds decompose at room temperature. Noncom-
“K-Resin” [Phillips]. TM for a styrene-butadi-
See noble gas.
ene copolymer.
Derivation: By fractional distillation of liquid air.
Use: Clear packaging, film, medical applications,
Air contains 0.000108% of krypton by volume.
and toys.
Use: Incandescent bulbs and fluorescent light tubes,
lasers, high-speed photography. Note: Solid krypton
Krohnke aldehyde synthesis. Transforma-
exists at cryogenic temperatures as a white, crystal-
tion of benzyl halides into aldehydes via their pyri-
line substance; mp 116K.
dinium salts which, on treatment with p-nitrosodi-
methylaniline, give nitrones. Hydrolysis of the
nitrones yields aldehydes.
krypton-86. Radioactive krypton of mass num-
ber 85.
Kroll process. A widely used process for ob-
Properties: Half-life 10.3 years. Radiations: with a
taining titanium metal. Titanium tetrachloride is re-
small component of . Low radiotoxicity.
duced with magnesium metal at red heat and atmo-
Derivation: A fission product extracted from irradi-
spheric pressure, in the presence of an inert gas
ated nuclear fuel.
blanket of helium or argon. Magnesium chloride and
Available forms: Gas of high chemical purity, but
titanium metal are produced. The reaction is TiCl
mixed with other isotopes of krypton in sealed glass
2Mg Ti + 2MgCl
. Essentially the same process is
also used for obtaining zirconium.
See kryptonates.
Use: Activation of phosphors for self-luminous
“Kromatherm” [Pfizer]. TM for high-tem-
markers, detecting leaks, medicine to trace blood
perature pigments designed for silicone- and fluoro-
flow, and in measurement of standard meter.
carbon-resin-based paint vehicles.
kryptonates. Materials impregnated with kryp-
“Kronitex” [FMC]. TM for a series of synthet-
ton-85 in such a way that the radioactive atoms are
ic phosphate esters to replace such natural products
held within the crystalline lattice structure. Ele-
as tricresyl and cresyl diphenyl phosphates.
ments, alloys, glasses, inorganic compounds, rub-
Use: Flame-retardant plasticizers for vinyls, dust fil-
bers, and plastics have been so impregnated with
ter medium, gas additives, wood-treating chemical,
tracer atoms.
foam control.
“Krytox” [Du Pont]. TM for a series of hexaf-
CAS: 2971-38-2. mf: C
luroropropylene epoxide polymers of medium mo-
Hazard: Moderately toxic by ingestion and inhala-
lecular weight, used as lubricating oils and greases;
in high-temperature or corrosive conditions, good
Use: Agricultural chemical.
chemical inertness, even with boiling sulfuric acid;
low solubility in most solvents; good lubricity under
Kroto, Sir Harold W. (1939– ). A British
load; nonflammable, have thermal stability up to
chemist who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry
along with Robert F. Curl, Jr. and Richard E. Smal-
ley in 1996, the 100th anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s
“K-Selectride” [Sigma-Aldrich]. TM for po-
death. The trio won for the discovery of the C
tassium tri-sec-butylborohydride, 1.0 molar solu-
compound called buckminsterfullerene. He re-
tion in tetrahydrofuran. KB[CH(CH
ceived a Ph.D. from the University of Sheffield.
Properties: Moisture-sensitive liquid. Mw 222.27, d
See buckminsterfullerene; Curl, Robert F., Jr.; Smal-
0.913, fp –17C.
ley, Richard E.
Hazard: Flammable liquid, handle under nitrogen.
Use: Stereoselective reduction of ketones; conjugate
“Krum” [Silbrico]. TM for horticultural per-
reduction and alkylation of ,-unsaturated ke-
CAS: 7439-90-9. Kr. Element of atomic number 36, “K-Tea Algacide” [Agrisel]. TM for an alga-
noble-gas group of the periodic table, aw 83.80, cide.
2 (possibly others), has six stable isotopes Use: To kill most forms of algae in lakes and fish
and a number of artificially radioactive forms. hatcheries, rivers, streams, and golf course waters.
KTPP. Abbreviation for potassium tripolyphosp- “Kuron” [Dow]. TM for a hormone-type weed
hate. and brush killer.
Kucherov reaction. Hydration of acetylenic
Kurroll’s salt. NaPO
(IV). A high-tempera-
hydrocarbons with dilute sulfuric acid in the pres-
ture crystalline form of sodium metaphosphate.
ence of mercuric sulfate or boron trifluoride as cata-
“Kuzo” [Afrocare]. TM for a beeswax formu-
Kuhn, Richard. (1900–1967). A German
Use: For dreadlocks and braid ends.
chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1938. He
worked on cartinoids and synthetic vitamins and
discovered the chemical formula for vitamin B
kyanite. (cyanite; disthene; rhoetizite).
also discovered a method for dissolving symplexes
. A mineral.
from plants using invert soaps. He received his PhD
in Munich, and went on to teach in Switzerland.
“Kydex” [Rohm & Haas]. TM for a thermo-
formed acrylic polyvinyl chloride alloy plastic
Kuhn-Roth method for C-methyl
determination. Oxidation of organic com-
Use: Housings, trays, covers, containers, protective
pounds with chromic and sulfuric acids in such a
guards, and decorative parts exposed to severe ser-
manner that the C-methyl groups are converted to
vice conditions.
acetic acid which can be assayed volumetrically.
The method has been modified and extended (1) to
“Kynol” [Carborundum]. TM for a flame-re-
saturated fatty acids and alcohols containing up to
sistant fiber available as 1.5 inch staple, 1.7 denier. It
about 20 carbon atoms, and (2) to aliphatic long-
is a cross-linked, amorphous phenolic polymer,
chain compounds of very high molecular weight.
inert to all solvents and with fair resistance to oxidiz-
ing acids and strong alkalies. Will not ignite up to
Kuhn-Winterstein reaction. Conversion of
2500C, but will char slowly at 260C. Potential uses
1,2-glycols into trans olefins by reaction with di-
are as ablative agent in spacecraft, flameproof ap-
phosphotetraiodide (P
) or other halogenated re-
parel, protective clothing, etc.
agents. This reaction is useful in the preparation of
See ablation.
“K-Universal Line Klisters” [Swix]. TM kynurenine. C
. An amino acid that is a
for ski wax. metabolic product of tryptophan.
Use: Versatile wax products utilizing newest raw Use: Biochemical and nutritional research, especially
materials. in connection with B-complex deficiencies.