bagasse. A form of cellulose (biomass) derived as Baker-Venkataraman rearrangement.
a by-product of the crushing of sugar cane or guayu-
Base-catalyzed rearrangement of o-acyloxyke-
le plants. Contains a high proportion of hemicellu-
tones to -diketones, important intermediates in the
lose. After pulping with either soda or kraft cooking
synthesis of chromones and flavones.
liquor, it can be made into a low grade of paper. It is
also used in compressed form as an insulating board
“Bake Smart” [Advanced Ingredients].
in construction, as a medium for growth of nutritive
TM for a carb based powder comprised of glu-
bacteria, in animal feeds, in manufacturing of furfu-
cose syrup, dextrose and fiber.
ral; and as on-site fuel for cane-sugar mills. In Ha-
Use: Delivers moisture control, binds moisture in a
waii, it is being used as a fuel for electric power
broad range of foods.
Hazard: Dust is flammable.
baking finish. A paint or varnish that requires
See biomass.
baking at temperatures greater than 66C for the
development of desired properties (ASTM). Such
baghouse. (bag filter). A large-scale dust-col-
finishes are based on oil-modified alkyd, melamine,
lecting device composed of a series of large cotton
epoxy, nitrocellulose, or urea resins, or combina-
or nylon bags assembled in a heavy metal frame or
tions of these. Baking is often done by infrared
housing. The bags may be as much as 10 ft high,
radiation, producing high-molecular weight coat-
each “bag” being made up of three units sewn to-
ings that are dense and tough.
gether as one element approximately 18 inches in
diameter. Discharge hoppers are located beneath the
baking powder. A synthetic leavening agent
bags. A suction or blower system forces dust-laden
widely used in the baking industry. There are several
air through an inlet port on one side of the frame just
types, all of which are composed of a carbonate, a
above the hopper space. It enters the bags, where it
weak acid or acidic compound, and a filler. A typical
deposits its suspended solids, while the cleaned air is
composition is sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid or
drawn through and leaves by an outlet port. A motor-
monobasic calcium phosphate, and cornstarch. In-
driven shaker mechanism agitates the bags periodi-
gredients sometimes used are ammonium carbonate
cally, dislodging the accumulated layer of dust,
and potassium bitartrate. Upon contact with mois-
which falls into the hoppers. Installations of this
ture and heat the active ingredients react to evolve
type are often of impressive size, some containing
carbon dioxide, which “raises” the dough in the
over 300 bags.
early minutes of heat exposure, thus producing a
See “Nomex.” [Du Pont]
stable solid foam. Wheat-flour gluten is sufficiently
elastic to retain the bubbles of carbon dioxide.
bait. An insecticide or rodenticide placed in such a
way as to attract the pest. Arsenic compounds and
baking soda. See sodium bicarbonate.
Bordeaux mixture are typical insect baits. All types
are highly toxic.
BAL. Abbreviation for British Anti-Lewisite.
See pesticide.
See 2,3-dimercaptopropanol.
“Bakelite” [Bakelite AG]. TM for polyethyl-
ene, polypropylene, epoxy, phenolic, polystyrene,
CAS: 71330-43-3.
phenoxy, perylene, polysulfone, ethylene copoly-
Hazard: Moderately toxic by ingestion.
mers, ABS, acrylics, and vinyl resins and com-
Use: Agricultural chemical.
balance. (1) Exact equality of the number of
Baker-Nathan effect. Effect originally ob-
atoms of various elements entering into a chemical
served in the reaction of p-substituted benzyl bro-
reaction and the number of atoms of those elements
mides with pyridine and other processes in which
in the reaction products. For example, in the reaction
the observed rates are opposite to those predicted by
NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H
O, the atoms in the input
the electron-releasing inductive effect of alkyl
side are H[2], Na[1], O[1], and Cl[1]. Each of these
groups, i.e., CH
> (CH
is also present in the products, though in different
To explain it, a type of electron delocalization in-
combination. The atoms of catalysts (when present)
volving ⌺ electrons was proposed, termed hyper-
do not enter into reactions and therefore are not
conjugation, which manifests itself in systems in
involved. The balance of chemical reactions follows
which a saturated carbon atom attached to an unsatu-
the law of conservation of mass. The term material
rated carbon or one with an empty orbital bears at
balance is used by chemical engineers in designing
least one hydrogen atom.
processing equipment. It denotes a precise list of all
the substances to be introduced into a reaction and
baker’s yeast extract. all those that will leave it in a given time, the two
Properties: From ruptured cells of Saccharomyces sums being equal.
cerevisiae. Liquid, paste or powder. Water sol. (2) A precision instrument designed for weighing
Use: Food additive. extremely small amounts of material with high accu-